Friday, May 3, 2013

Monday, May 6-10, 2013

May 8            3rd Grade Art Adventures
May 15          3rd Grade Art Adventures
May 17          Early Dismissal
May 22          3rd Grade Art Adventures-Last Day

3rd Grade Art Adventures-Wednesdays 2:30-3:45pm
May (May 22- Last Art Adventure Day)

Mystery Artist Clues for September: Eric Carle
                                          October: Pierre Auguste Renoir
                                          November: Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson)
                                          January: Ansel Adams
                                          February:  Charles Schultz
                                          March: Alexandra Nechita
                                          April: Claude Monet--Last one for the Year!!

1st Grade:   Mondern Mona Lisa
 Next up, learning about the genius, Leonardo Da Vinci and his masterpiece the Mona Lisa!  We are busy drawing and learning the proportions of the face using Da Vinci's Mona Lisa as a model.  Once complete, we will give her a Modern or futuristic twist.

2nd Grade:  Clay Pinch Pots and Faith Ringgold Painting 
        We will end the year with a very busy classes!  First we will be creating clay pinch pots and learn about the clay process.  While clay is drying, we will create drawings based on Faith Ringgold's Tar Beach and story quilt series.  If you could fly, what would you fly over?

3rd Grade:Frank Lloyd Wright and Egyptian Clay Slabs
      Next up, Architecture and the Frank Lloyd Wright.  Students will soon finish designing the facade of their dream mansions.  We will begin a new project involving Egyptian Art and Chicago..hmmm.

4th Grade:  Guatemalan Weaving and Printmaking
      Our new project is learning about the Guatemalan culture and weaving!!!  We have warped our looms and are now beginning Tabby and Basket-weave.  We will learn four-five different weaving techniques by the end of this project.  Once we get into weaving, we will learn about printmaking and alternate our time between printing and weaving!

5th Grade:  One Point Perspective and Masks
     Students will learn how to create block letters and create a word in one point perspective.  This project will be accompanied by mask-making.  Students will use plaster to design their own mask and add a touch of creative color!
***Please note if your student has allergies or asthma and you are concerned with the plaster gauze material we will be using, please contact Miss Smeltzer to discuss our options.
Thanks you.