Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2015
2    5th Grade Art Adventures
9    Early Dismissal Day- No Art Adventures
16  5th Grade Art Adventures
12  No School- Columbus Day
23  5th Grade Art Adventures
30  5th Grade Art Adventures
      Halloween Parties

Weekly Website for PV:  Have your child show you our great website discoveries on their Google Classroom!

Weekly Activities in the Art Room:
Kindergarten- The Beautiful Oops and Anansi the Spider
    Our first project is coming to an end with student learning the valuable less....If you make a mistake, work with it!  We read and discussed, The Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg and created an artwork based on a pre-made oops made by Miss Smeltzer!  Wow-their imaginations sored!  Next up, the African Folklore of Kwaku Anansi and spider web line designs!

1st Grade- Moody Monster Portraits

2nd Grade - The Dot 
   We will begin class creating dots!  Yes--1-5 dots of varying sized and colors.  Then we will read the story of The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds.  We will learn to problem solved and turn our dots into works of art.  We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

    3rd Grade - Radial Design          
  We will begin our first project exploring radial design.  We will create a shape radial design and create a new radial design with our own personal touch. We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

4th Grade- Picasso Portraits

5th Grade- Durational Hand Designs and 
 We are finally putting our hands we've collected over the years into a durational hand design.  This design will explore the art elements.