Monday, March 23, 2015

September 2015

September 2015
26 Team 66 Community Outing and District Dash

Weekly Website for PV:
 Week 1:
 Week 2: shared by Mathias in Mrs. Spakausky's class
 Week 3: www. shared by

Weekly Activities in the Art Room:

Kindergarten- Name Tags
    Students will have the opportunity to practice learning the art room and art duties.  We will be tracing our names and rewriting our names onto our name tags then decorating them.  We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

1st Grade- Name Tags and The Oops
   Students will be folding and creating their name tags.  We will also begin learning about The Oops by Barney Saltzberg.  We will then be challenged to turn our own Oops into works of art!  We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

2nd Grade - The Dot
   We will begin class creating dots!  Yes--1-5 dots of varying sized and colors.  Then we will read the story of The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds.  We will learn to problem solved and turn our dots into works of art.  We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

    3rd Grade - Radial Design          
  We will begin our first project exploring radial design.  We will create a shape radial design and create a new radial design with our own personal touch. We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

4th Grade- Awful Alphabet and Initials
    We have learned the story, The Absolutely Awful Alphabet, by Mordicai Bernstein.  We are morphing alphabet letters into creatures. We will use our initials to morph them into our own personal images. We will also use some time to trace hands and color them for a durational artwork in 5th grade, (we trace and keep our hand until 5th grade then make a project out of our growing hands.)

5th Grade- Durational Hand Designs
 We are finally putting our hands we've collected over the years into a durational hand design.  This design will explore the art elements. 

Art Adventures

Who?         3rd Grade, 4th Grade & 5th Grade students
Please note, that each month we will rotate between each grade level, (see below).  A maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in these activities each month since classroom space is limited.   Please return your permission slip as soon as possible to guarantee a spot in class! 
Where?     Prairieview Art Room
When?          Friday’s from 2:40-3:45 p.m.
Why?        Each month students will explore art techniques and various art materials.  The goal of Art
                            Adventures is to give students interested in Art an extra opportunity to explore their artistic
                            creativity beyond the classroom Art experience.

If your student is interested in participating in this after school activity, please fill out the permission slip below, enclose the $20 lab fee for the year, and return to Miss Smeltzer by Friday, September 24th. 

Art Adventures is an after-school activity; therefore buses will not be available.  If you need to car pool with someone, please name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip, (please no more than 2 others). 

5th Grade                                            4th Grade                                            3rd Grade                   
October 2nd, 16th, 23, & 30th            November 13th & 20th                   January 8th, 22nd, & 29th
                                                          December 4th & 11th
February 5th, 19th, & 26th             March 11th & 18th                          April 8th, 15th, & 29th                                                             

(Dates for make-ups if Art Adventures needs to be canceled-- May 6th & 20th)

Please cut and save the top portion of this permission slip for Art Adventures schedule.

Please label and return your permission slips to: Art Adventures with Miss Smeltzer

My son/daughter         ______________________________________, has my permission to participate in the Art Adventures activity for 2015-16 school year.

Home Phone number________________________  Cell Phone number                             
Email Address________________________________________________

My son/daughter's classroom teacher is _________________________________

Please check one:

________I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.         ________My child is enrolled in BACC and will go
  To BACC after Art Adventures.

*** Please enclose your child's $20.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.