Friday, August 30, 2013

September 16-20, 2013

17     4th/5th Curriculum Night
26     Art Adventure Permission Slips due (permission slip below)--only a few spots left!!!
27     Early Dismissal

Mystery Artist Clues
1. She studied in Paris with a group of artists called Impressionists.
2. She painted people as they really looked, doing everyday activities.
3. She used little flecks of color on the eyes and noses of her figures to capture their expressions.
4. She is known as a great American artist even though she spent most of her life living and creating in 
5. She was good friends with Edgar Degas.

Kindergarten: The Oops
Students will learn the rules and expectations in the Art Room. 
Students will then learn the story of The Oops and we will talk about what happens when we make mistakes in Art. 

First Grade: Name Tags
Students will learn the rules and expectations in the Art Room.  
Students will begin creating name tags to illustrate their abilities and help us to learn each others names.

Second Grade: The Dot
Students will learn the rules and expectations in the Art Room.
Students will begin creating dots on their paper to prepare them for their first project based on the book, The Dot  by Peter H. Reynolds.  

Third Grade:  Kaleidoscopes
Student will use one word to define 'Art'.  We will use their words to create a word cloud using  Following this activity, we will begin folding our papers for our Kaleidoscope designs.

Fourth Grade: Picasso Portraits
We will begin learning about Pablo Picasso and his style of Cubism.  Students will be creating their own Cubist Portraits while learning about organic and geometric shapes.  We will also discuss complementary colors as we create bright and colorful works!
Fifth Grade: Roll and Draw Impromptu Design and American Gothic
Students will complete their unique designs including their hands and the Art Elements and Principles. We will then begin studying the artist, Grant Wood and his famous artwork, American Gothic.

Art Adventures

Who?         3rd Grade, 4th Grade & 5th Grade students
Please note, that each month we will rotate between 4th-5th grade students & 3rd grade students, (see below).  A maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in these activities each month since classroom space is limited.   Please return your permission slip as soon as possible to guarantee a spot in class! 
Where?     Prairieview Art Room
When?          Thursdays from 2:30-3:45 p.m.
Why?        Each month students will explore art techniques and various art materials.  The goal of Art
                            Adventures is to give students interested in Art an extra opportunity to explore their artistic
                            creativity beyond the classroom Art experience.

If your student is interested in participating in this after school activity, please fill out the permission slip below, enclose the $20 lab fee for the year, and return to Miss Smeltzer by Thursday, September 26th. 

Art Adventures is an after-school activity; therefore buses will not be available.  If you need to car pool with someone, please name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip, (please no more than 2 others). 

Months for 4th & 5th Grade Art Adventures- Thursdays 2:30-3:45pm
            October               (Oct. 28-No Art Adventures-Early Dismissal Day)
                December             (Dec. 26-No Art Adventures- Winter Break)
                February              All February Thursdays!!!
                April                      (April 3-No Art Adventures- Spring Break)
                                          (April 17-No Art Adventures-Early Dismissal)

Months for 3rd Grade Art Adventures-Thursdays 2:30-3:45pm
            November            (Nov. 7-No Art Adventures-Parent/Teacher Conference)
(Nov. 28-No Art Adventures-Thanksgiving Break)
              January                (Jan. 2-No Art Adventures-Winter Break)
                                                (Jan. 23-No Art Adventures- Monday Schedule –Miss Smeltzer at Ide)                  
              March                     (March 13-No Art Adventures- Parent/Teacher Conferences)
                May                       (May 22- Last Art Adventure Day)

Please cut and save the top portion of this permission slip for Art Adventures schedule.
Please label and return your permission slips to: Art Adventures with Miss Smeltzer

My son/daughter         ______________________________________, has my permission to participate in the Art Adventures activity for 2013-2014 school year.

Home Phone number________________________  Cell Phone number                             
Email Address________________________________________________

My son/daughter's classroom teacher is _________________________________

Please check one:

________I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.         ________My child is enrolled in BACC and will go
  To BACC after Art Adventures.

*** Please enclose your child's $20.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.