Friday, March 8, 2013

Monday, March 11-15, 2013

The Prairieview PBIS team is extending a wonderful opportunity to begin the new year with a community service project.  We will be holding a Food Pantry Drive at school for the West Suburban Community Pantry in Woodridge from March 11-15.  Boxes will be provided in each classroom to collect the non-perishable food items.  Girl Scout Troop 50251, comprised of third and fourth grade students from Prairieview, has graciously volunteered to pack up and deliver the donated food on March 16th.  Thank you in advance for your generosity of spirit and deed!

March 13   3rd Grade Art Adventures
March 20   3rd Grade Art Adventures
March 22   End of Quater #3
March 25   Spring Break Begins!!

Important Dates to know for Art Adventures:
4th & 5th Grade Art Adventures- Wednesdays 2:30-3:45pm
April (April 10-No Art Adventures- Parent/Teacher conferences)

3rd Grade Art Adventures-Wednesdays 2:30-3:45pm
 March (March 27-No Art Adventures- Spring Break)
May (May 22- Last Art Adventure Day)

Mystery Artist Clues for September: Eric Carle
                                          October: Pierre Auguste Renoir
                                          November: Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson)
                                          January: Ansel Adams
                                          February:  Charles Schultz

March Mystery Artist :  
1. Born in Romania on August 27, 1985, this artist began creating art in pen and ink at the age of 2.  Many art critics consider her a child prodigy.  She was an "A" student that chose to paint rather than play sports in school.

2. At the age of 8, she had her first solo art exhibition at a public library in Los Angeles.  Her artwork and talent gained a lot of attention and soon she was labeled the 'Petite Picasso' by the press.

3. In 1994, at the age of 9, this artist created a painting she titled Nature.  Written on the back of this painting she states, "When I was enjoying this painting on my own I was thinking of all the waste of trees in our world.  It felt very bad to know that no one cares.  Just think if that was you, I think you would not like to be cut down, or die of thirst.  So deep our mother-nature in this world and let it live."

1st Grade:  Action Jackson Painting and Mondern Mona Lisa
       We will then begin learning about the artist, Jackson Pollock and his Abstract Expressionist Style!!  Students will begin painting using string and learn about the primary colors.  Then students will use other tools besides a paint brush to paint and learn about the secondary colors!  Check out  for some fun Expressionist painting online!  Next up, learning about the genius, Leonardo Da Vinci and his masterpiece the Mona Lisa!

2nd Grade:  Kandinsky Colors! 
        Students will begin learning about the artist, Wassily Kandinsky.  Students will focus on geometric and organic shapes as well as primary and secondary colors.  We will be drawing and painting! 

3rd Grade: Matisse Goldfish and Frank Lloyd Wright
      Students are learning about the artist, Henri Matisse.  We will be learning about overlapping, art emphasis, cropping, warm and cool colors, and collage while creating our own version of Matisse's Goldfish.  Next up, Architecture and the Frank Lloyd Wright.

4th Grade:  Guatemalan Weaving
      Our new project is learning about the Guatemalan culture and weaving!!!  We have warped our looms and are now beginning Tabby.  We will learn four-five different weaving techniques by the end of this project.  

5th Grade:  Surreal Portraits
    We will be learning about proportion and creating our own self-portraits.  We will make them unique by giving them a twist of Surrealism!