Plumbing Contest Artwork Due
October 19 4th-5th Art Adventures
October 26 4th-5th Art Adventures
1st Grade: Name Tags and Wild Thing Monsters
We Began learning about the illustrator Maurice Sendak and his book Where the Wild Things Are. Students will be putting on their final touches to their own wild thing using oil pastels.
2nd Grade: George Seurat
Students are learning about the artist George Seurat and his Pointillist style. We will then begin creating our own Pointillist Landscapes.
3rd Grade: Kaleidoscope Names
Students began discussing patterns and selecting color patterns that will best suit their Kaleidoscope designs. Students will attempt to finish coloring with their choice of markers and/or crayons.
4th Grade: Picasso Portraits
As we learn more about Pablo Picasso, the artist, and his Cubist style, we will also begin sketching our own Picasso Portraits. Students are currently learning about Complementary Colors and adding color into their projects.
5th Grade: American Gothic Parodies
Students will learn more about Grant Wood each week and his American Regionalist style. Students have begun and will continue to draw their own parody of American Gothic. Students will be able to select a mix media of materials to add color to their projects.
5th Grade Art Folders
Art Folder #3
Faith Ringgold is an African-American artist who uses her life experiences as well as her imagination to create unique story quilts. Her story quilts consist of colorful pieces of fabric sewn together to frame a painting she created on fabric. Using her sewing skills she learned from her mother and grandmother along with her background education in Art, Faith Ringgold shares her story quilts with others of all ages and cultures.
Your assignment is to create a story quild about you. Your quilt should illustrate (show) who you are...from your favorite places, people, food, games, colors, and hobbies to special events, family memories and more!
Be creative, use color and please write 2-3 sentences explaining your quilt.
Art Adventures
Dear 4th & 5th Grade Students and parents,
Art Adventure activities for the month of October, will be available for 4th & 5th grade students. The art activities and meeting times will be on, Tuesday October 5th , Tuesday October 19th, and Tuesday October 26th. Please note that a maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in this activity.
The 4th & 5th grade activity will be Still Life Paintings. Students will have the opportunity to work with various types of materials including: paint brushes, acrylic paints, canvas and art tools to create a still life. Students who would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials students will be using during the Art Adventure activity.
All Art Adventure's activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30 p.m. and will end at 3:45 pm. If you are interested in participating in this after school activity, please fill out the permission slip below, enclose the $5.00 lab fee, and return it to Miss Smeltzer by Monday October 4th , 2010.
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). Please note that Art Adventures is an after-school activity, therefore, buses will not be available.
Miss Smeltzer, Art Teacher
My son/daughter__________________________________, has my permission to participate in the Art Adventure activity for October 2010.
My son/daughter's classroom teacher is .
Please check one:
__________ I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.
__________ My child will go to BACC after Art Club.
Parent/Guardian Signature
****Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.