Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday October 25-29, 2010

October 26 4th-5th Art Adventures
October 29 Halloween Parties
November 10 3rd Grade Art Adventures (See Permission Slip Below)
November 17 3rd Grade Art Adventures

October Mystery Artist Clues:
1. Born October 8, 1930 in Harlem, N.Y. this African American artist is known for her quilts and award-winning books. 2. Within her 'story quilts' she shares stories of her family memories, life struggles, growths, and her hope for the future.
3. Her quilts consist of paintings swen together with colorful pieces of fabric.4. Some of her most famous books include: Tar Beach, Dinner at Aunt Connie's House and Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky.

1st Grade: Nez Perce Woven Bags
We will begin studying the Native American tribe called the Nez Perce and their fine work with cornhusk woven bags. Student will begin creating their own paper-woven bags. We will be focusing on the warp and weft strings of our weaving this week.

2nd Grade: George Seurat
Students are learning about the artist George Seurat and his Pointillist style. We will then begin creating our own Pointillist Landscapes. Once students complete outlining their project oil pastels, we'll begin painting in dots!!!

3rd Grade: Japanese Landscapes
We will begin discussing the Japanese Culture and create Japanese Landscapes. Students will be using charcoal to create the ground of their landscapes this week.

4th Grade: M.C. Escher Hands
Following our portraits we will begin discussing the artist M. C. Escher. Students will learn about Escher's style as well as begin drawing their hands.

5th Grade: Keith Haring Paintings
Students will complete their American Gothic parody projects and will begin learning about the artist, Keith Haring. We will begin studying how to use symbols to communicate through Art.

Art Folder #6 ---to be announced soon!

Art Adventures
Dear Parents and 3rd Grade students,
The Art Adventure Activity for the month of November will be available for 3rd grade students. The art activity and meeting times will be on Wednesday, November 10th and Wednesday November 17th. Please note that a maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in this activity. If the activity becomes full, your students permission slip and lab fee will be returned.
The 3rd grade activity will be Autumn Designs. Students will have the opportunity to work with stencils, oil pastels, and water paints. Students who would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials students will be using during the Art Adventure activity.
All Art Adventure activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30p.m. and will end at 3:45p.m. If you are interested in participating in this after school activity, you will need to fill out the bottom of this form, enclose the $5.00 lab fee, and return it to Miss Smeltzer by 11/05/2010.
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). I look forward to having a lot of fun with you this year.
Miss Smeltzer
Art Teacher, (
My son/daughter, _____________________________________, has my
permission to participate in the Art Club activities for November 2010.
My son/daughter's classroom teacher is
Please check one:
_______ I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.
_______ My child will go to BACC after Art Club.
Parent/Guardian Signature
****Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee and photograph with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.