1st Grade: Name Tags and Wild Thing Monsters
We Began learning about the illustrator Maurice Sendak and his book Where the Wild Things Are. Students will begin creating their own wild thing using oil pastels.
2nd Grade: The Dot and George Seurat
Students experienced Peter H. Reynolds's story The Dot and how to create a master piece out of a mistake. Once completed, students will learn about the artist George Seurat and his Pointillist style. We will then begin creating our own Pointillist Landscapes.
3rd Grade: Kaleidoscope Names
Students began discussing patterns and selecting color patterns that will best suit their Kaleidoscope designs. Students will begin coloring with their choice of markers and/or crayons.
4th Grade: Picasso Portraits
As we learn more about Pablo Picasso, the artist, and his Cubist style, we will also begin sketching our own Picasso Portraits. Students are currently learning about Complementary Colors and adding color into their projects.
5th Grade: American Gothic Parodies
Students will learn more about Grant Wood each week and his American Regionalist style. Students have begun and will continue to draw their own parody of American Gothic. Students will be able to select a mix media of materials to add color to their projects.
5th Grade Art Folders
Art Folder #2
Directions: Complete the activity below. You are welcome to create your assignment in any art medium, (marker, crayon, colored pencil, etc.). Please use color and consider size and space of your design.
According to Webster's Dictionary, a flag is typically a rectangular piece of cloth marked with distinctive colors or designs. A flag is used as a symbol of a nation or organization. Your assignment is to design a flag to represent our school. This flag should be a symbol of who we are as a school and what we are proud of.