Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec. 16, 2013-January 10, 2014

12th        Art Adventures for 4th/5th grades
19           Art Adventures for 4th/5th grades
December 23-January 5 Winter Break--Have a Safe Winter Break!!
6     Classes Resume
9     3rd Grade Art Adventures
16   3rd Grade Art Adventures
20   M.L.K. Jr. Day-No School
23   Monday Schedule--No 3rd Grade Art Adventures
30   3rd Grade Art Adventures

September Mystery Artist: Mary Cassatt
October Mystery Artist Clues: Paul Gauguin
November Mystery Artist Clues: Alexander Calder
December Mystery Artist Clues:
1. He was born in Spain in 1904. He is also considered one of the most famous and unusual artists of the 20th century.
2. His best-known paintings are called Surrealistic.  Surrealist artists paint mostly what they remember from their dreams, mysterious objects, familiar objects that have been oddly changed, and anything that automatically pops into their minds.
3. During his life, he did many strange things to get peoples attention. For example, he told people he received messages from outer space through his mustache, which acted like an antenna. 
4. Surrealists, (artists, poets, and filmmakers) hoped their strange works of art would make people think, and discover feelings they never knew they had.  They felt that stirring up thoughts from the backs of people's minds were important for artists to do.

Kindergarten: ShapeFlake
On this project, students will be focusing on their cutting skills with scissors.  We will be identifying shapes that they will later study in their classrooms.  We end up creating snowflakes based on our basic shapes!  Remember every snowflake is one of a kind!!

First Grade: Nez Perce' Woven Bags and Monet Bridges  
We have begun studying Early Native Americans, the Nez Perce' tribe and their Cornhusk Woven Bags. Students are learning weaving techniques and vocabulary as they create their own woven paper bag.  To finish this project up, we will be coloring, cutting and packing our bags with fruits and vegetables.

Second Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will begin learning about the artist, Edgar Degas and his unique Impressionist style.  Students will learn about movement and the Impressionist style.  We will create our own images that capture movement focusing on drawing the feet in action. We will use oil pastel and paints.   

Third Grade: Japanese Landscape and Origami Day
  Students have begun prepping their papers for Japanese Landscapes.  We will be using charcoal, chalk pastels and paints.  We will explore the Japanese culture including Sumi-e painting, Japanese Calligraphy and a day of Origami.

Fourth Grade:  M.C. Escher Hands
We are finishing our projects about Pablo Picasso and his style of Cubism.  Students will then begin learning about the artist, M.C. Escher and is play with optical illusion. Students will begin working with value, texture, depth, and charcoal in their artworks.
Fifth Grade: Keith Haring Symbolism
 We will then begin studying the artist, Keith Haring and work with symbolism.  We will practice creating the human form in motion.  We will simplify our drawings into symbolic messages while painting.

Art Adventures

Who?         3rd Grade, 4th Grade & 5th Grade students
Please note, that each month we will rotate between 4th-5th grade students & 3rd grade students, (see below).  A maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in these activities each month since classroom space is limited.   Please return your permission slip as soon as possible to guarantee a spot in class! 
Where?     Prairieview Art Room
When?          Thursdays from 2:30-3:45 p.m.

Months for 4th & 5th Grade Art Adventures- Thursdays 2:30-3:45pm
                December             (Dec. 26-No Art Adventures- Winter Break)
                February              All February Thursdays!!!
                April                      (April 3-No Art Adventures- Spring Break)
                                          (April 17-No Art Adventures-Early Dismissal)

Months for 3rd Grade Art Adventures-Thursdays 2:30-3:45pm
             January                (Jan. 2-No Art Adventures-Winter Break)
                                                (Jan. 23-No Art Adventures- Monday Schedule –Miss Smeltzer at Ide)                  
              March                     (March 13-No Art Adventures- Parent/Teacher Conferences)
                May                       (May 22- Last Art Adventure Day)