Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11-15, 2011

April 14th Open House at Prairieview --Come see the Art!!!!

Mystery Artist for April: To be announced soon!

1st Grade: Modern Mona Lisa

First graders will be learning about the artist, Leonardo Da Vinci and his famous Mona Lisa. We will begin drawing the facial features of our portrait in pencil. We will study the proportion of the facial features while giving her a modern style!!

2nd Grade: Kandinsky Colors

Students will be learning about the artist, Wassily Kandinsky and his Pure Abstract style. Students will learn how his Abstract style helped him mix our senses with colors. We will continue learning about shapes and colors by painting based on the color wheel.

3rd Grade: Matisse Goldfish

We will begin learning about the artist Henri Matisse. We will focus on his painting, Goldfish, and begin creating our own interpretation of Goldfish.

4th Grade: Guatemalan Weaving

We will begin discussing the process of weaving. Student will create their own cardboard loom weavings. This week students continue using weaving techniques including tabby, basketweave, and irregular basketweave!

5th Grade: One Point Perspective

We are beginning a basic introduction into one point perspective. Students will be selecting a word to draw in perspective and then designing a background to support it.