Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 13-17, 2010

December 15 4th-5th Art Adventures
December 17 Winter break begins- Happy Holidays!

December Mystery Artist Clues:
1. Born in Paris, France on July 19, 1834, he was the son of a wealthy banker.
2. The French Impressionist painter was known as the master of creating the human figure in motion.
3. Later in life his eyesight failed thus turning his artwork and style into sculpture.

1st Grade: Monet Bridges and Nez Perce Woven Bags
Due to schedule changes and holidays, some classes will be putting the final touches on their Nez Perce' Woven Bags. Other first graders will begin learning about the artist, Claude Monet and his Impressionistic style. We will begin creating their own bridge paintings based on the popular Japanese footbridge Monet painted several times.

2nd Grade: Prehistoric Rock Art
Students will be learning about the earliest days of Art. Students will have the opportunity to understand the environmental challenges of working with low light sources, handmade art tools from nature, and the use of symbols to create.

3rd Grade: Japanese Landscapes
We will begin discussing the Japanese Culture and create Japanese Landscapes. Students will be discussing sumi-e painting and begin painting their own landscapes. Classes that are complete will have a day of Origami!

4th Grade: M.C. Escher Hands
We will continue discussing the artist M. C. Escher artworks and begin studying the art principle of value. Students will learn about Escher's style as well as begin shading their hands.

5th Grade: Keith Haring Paintings
Students will begin learning about the artist, Keith Haring. We will begin studying how to use symbols to communicate through Art. We will begin painting too!

Art Folder #6 ---We will work on together in class!
Art Folder #7 We will begin working on in class as it is involves our Keith Haring Projects.

Art Folder #8

Directions: Choose 1 word that you would like to illustrate, than explain the word in the way you draw it. See examples below for help. Please consider and use the necessary art elements....line, shape, COLOR, texture, space and form. Please color your work.