Friday, February 19, 2010
February 22-26, 2010
February 24 Art Adventures
1st Grade- Modern Mona Lisa: We will begin learning about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci and his famous painting, Mona Lisa. We will start by sketching the face.
2nd Grade- Kandinsky Colors: We begin learning about Wassily Kandinsky. We will explore geometric shapes and primary colors. Next we will learn about organic shapes and secondary colors!
3rd Grade- Matisse Goldfish: We will begin learning about Henri Matisse and his Goldfish painting. Students will begin sketching their own Goldfish painting.
4th Grade- Guatemalan Weaving : We will finish creating our own Aboriginal creatures using story art or x-ray art. Students will begin studying Guatemala and their textile art.
5th Grade-DaVinci 's Zoomorphic self portraits:Students will be learning about the artist Leonardo DaVinci and his theories of an Ideal Face. Students will use those theories to create their own self portrait with an animal twist!
Art Folder 15 will be the last Art Folder of Trimester 2. This will give fifth grade students a few extra minutes of class time to dedicate towards their projects...Open House is not far away!!