October 11 Miss Smeltzer is running the Chicago Marathon!!!
October 12 No School, Columbus Day!
Art Adventures:
October Art Adventures for fourth and fifth grades will be meeting from 2:30-3:45 on:
Wednesday October 14th
Wednesday, October 28th
Poster Contest?!?!?!
Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors of Northern Illinois are sponsoring a poster contest! The theme is 'Do Your Part, Be Water Smart'. Posters have been delivered and winners will be announced in November!
Mystery Artist Clues for October
1. Born on September 7, 1860, this artist grew up on a farm in Greenwich, New York and lived to the age of 101. Throughout her long life she witnessed amazing historic events and inventions including the automobile, airplane, Civil War, World War I, and World War II.
2. Since she did not begin her career as an artist until she was in her seventies, many only know this artist and her artwork by her nickname. Her paintings often had themes surrounding fairy tales, nursery rythmes, and seasonal themes including the painting, Thankgiving Turkey (displayed in art room and is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
3. Although this folk artist never went to art school, she taught herself to paint. Her paintings showed her love for the rural life and countryside while using brushstrokes that resembled needlepoints.
First Grade: Nez Perce Native American Bags- Students will be learning about the Northwestern Nez Perce Tribe and their hand-woven cornhusk bags. We will begin creating our own paper woven bags by cutting our warps and learning about weaving techniques called wefts and tabby.
Second Grade: Sunday Afternoon with George- We will focus on artist, George Seurat and his famous painting Sunday Afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte. Students will be creating their landscapes by sketching their ideal park and painting with the pointillist style.
Third Grade: Japanese Landscapes- We will begin discussing the Japanese culture and landscapes. We will review the differences between landscapes, portraits, still life, and abstract art. We will begin our landscapes by creating horizon lines and pulling charcoal.
Fourth Grade: Picasso Portraits Students will learn about the artist Pablo Picasso. Students will create their own cubist portrait using oil pastels. We will discuss lines, shapes, colors (complimentary), and texture. We are going to finish this week!!
Fifth Grade: American Gothic Parodies Students will learn about the artist Grant Wood and his style of Regionalism. Students will create their own American Gothic Parody. This week we are developing the subject matter of our artwork. Our goal is to finish this week!!!
Art Folder #6
A fashion designer is a person who sketches, designs, and creates clothing. When a fashion designer is planning out a line of clothing they need to consider the following:
Who is the clothing meant for?
How will it be used?
What will the clothing be made of?
What type of person is the clothing meant for?
What colors of material will be used?
Your assignment is to create a new uniform. First choose a profession or activity that requires a uniform. Second, create a new, original (one of a kind) design for your chosen profession and/or activity. Be creative in choosing colors, styles, and accessories. Please answer the questions above and create a sketch of your uniform.