Thursday, December 4, 2008

Monday December 8-12, 2008

1st Grade: Claude Monet Impressionist Bridges... We're finishing our drawings and starting to add color.

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas...We're learning about the French Impressionist Edgar Degas

3rd Grade: Frank Lloyd Wright Mansions...Students will be creating the facades of their dream mansions.

Extra Credit Opportunity!!! Visit a Frank Lloyd Wright Home.
Here's some suggestions...there are many more!

Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio
951 Chicago Ave., Oak Park, IL.

Frederick C. Robie House (on University of Chicago Campus...near Science and Industry)
5757 S. Woodlawn Ave. , Chicago, IL.

4th Grade: M.C. Escher Hands... We're finishing up on our value and shading techniques.

See below for 4th Grade Art Adventures!

5th Grade: Andy Warhol Pop Art Paintings... We're mixing complementary and monochromatic colors!

Art Folder #10

Directions: Answer the questions below and create a drawing of your creature.

The sphinx is a mythical creature whose figure combines the body of a lion with the head of a human. In ancient Egyptian scultpure, the head was often that of the pharoah. The most famous sphinx guards the Great Pyramid at Giza. This colossal stone sculpture is 240 feet long--longer than two football fields.

Invent a creature that combines animal and human features. What is it? What would you call it?

4th Grade Art Adventures
Dear Parents and 4th Graders,

The month of December’s Art Adventure activities will be available for 4th grade students. Art Adventure activities and meeting times will be on Wednesday, December 10th and Wednesday December 17th. A Maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in this activity.
The 4th grade activity will be creating greeting cards. Students will have the opportunity to create cards for various occasions throughout the year (holidays, birthdays, thinking of you, etc.). Students will be able to work with watercolors, stamps, and stencils. Students who would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials used during Art Adventure activities.
All Art Adventure activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30 p.m. and will end at 3:45 p.m. STUDENTS ARE TO BE PICKED UP PROMPTLY AT 3:45 p.m. If you are interested in participating in this after school activity, you will need to fill out the bottom of this form and return it to Miss Smeltzer by 12/09/2008.
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). Please note that Art Adventures is an after school activity, thus buses will not be available.
Thank you,
Miss Smeltzer

My son/daughter , has my permission to participate in the Art Adventure activities for December 2008.

My son/daughter’s classroom teacher is

Please check one:

I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.

My child will go to BACC after Art Club activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature

***Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.