Friday, April 4, 2008

April Mystery Artist Clues!

March's Mystery Artist was Alexander Calder.

1. He was born in Spain in 1904. He is also considered one of the most famous and unusual artists of the 20th century.

2. His best-known paintings are called Surrealistic. Surrealist artists create mostly from what they remember from their dreams, mysterious objects, familiar objects that have been oddly changed, and anything that automatically pops into their minds.

3. During his life, he did many strange things to get peoples attention. For example, he told people that he received messages from outer space through his mustache, which acted like an antenna.

4. Surrealists, (artist, poets, and filmakers) hoped their strange works of art would make people think, and discover feelings they never knew they had. They felt that stirring up thoughts from the backs of people's minds were important for artist to do.

Artwork diplayed: Persistence of Memory
Swans reflecting Elephant