3rd Grade Art Club
Dear Parents and 3rd Graders,
Art Club will be meeting during the month of February! February’s Art Club activities will be available for 3rd grade students. Art Club activities and meeting times will be on Wednesday, February 6th, Wednesday February 13th, and Wednesday, February 20th. Maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in this activity.
The 3rd grade activity will be ‘My Favorites”. Students will use their favorites (colors, numbers, objects, activities, etc.) to create an abstract artwork. Students will have the opportunity to draw, paint and express who they are in their art. Students who would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials used during Art Club activities.
All Art Club activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30 p.m. and will end at 3:45 p.m. STUDENTS ARE TO BE PICKED UP PROMPTLY AT 3:45 p.m. If you are interested in participating in this after school activity, you will need to fill out the bottom of this form and return it to Miss Smeltzer by 02/01/2008.
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). Please note that Art Club is an after school activity, thus buses will not be available. Please make other arrangements.
Thank you,
Miss Smeltzer www.tsmeltze@ccsd66.org
My son/daughter--------------------------------------, has my permission to participate in the Art Club activities for February 2008.
My son/daughter’s classroom teacher is --------------------------------
Please check one:
-------- I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.
--------My child will go to BACC after Art Club activities.
Parent/Guardian Signature
***Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.