Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Break!!!
Happy Holidays!!!
Happy New Year!!!

January 3rd Back to School

January 4th 3rd Grade Art Adventures

January 11th 3rd Grade Art Adventures

January 18th 3rd Grade Art Adventures

January 25th No Art Adventures-Early Dismissal Day

Mystery Artist for December/January:
1. He was born in Cody, Wyoming in 1912. He was the youngest of five brothers.
2. He is best known for the huge paintings he made by splattering, throwing, and dripping paint onto his canvases. He also used old, hardened brushes, sticks, and anything else he could find to paint with.
3. His style of art is often called Abstract Expressionsim. It was considered this, because he moved around a lot and used so much energy while he painted. However, he preferred to call his style, Action Painting.
4. Although some have trouble understanding his paintings as art. He knew exactly what he was doing. As you look at his work, you can get a feeling of being surrounded by light and color, movement and energy, that is very exciting!!!

1st Grade: Claude Monet Bridges
Students will learn about the Impressionist artist, Claude Monet. We will discuss his paintings of Japanese footbridges and create our bridge paintings!

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the impressionist artist, Edgar Degas. We will begin sketching our legs too!

3rd Grade: Japanese Landscapes
We began learning about the Japanese culture and began prepping their paper for chalk and pastels! Next we will be exploring landscapes and Sumi-e Art. This activity will be followed up with Origami!!!
4th Grade: MC Escher Hands
We are studying the works of M.C. Escher and his plays with illusions in Art. Students have sketched their hands and will learn to add shading techniques to create our next focus. Our next focus is Value!
5th Grade: 'Moves like Haring'
Students have learned about the artist, Keith Haring and are now creating their own Haring paintings. Students are creating their own visual message.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Monday, December 12-16, 2011

December 14- Art Adventures for 4th & 5th Grade
December 17- Winter Break!!! Happy Holidays!!!

Mystery Artist for December:
1. He was born in Cody, Wyoming in 1912. He was the youngest of five brothers.
2. He is best known for the huge paintings he made by splattering, throwing, and dripping paint onto his canvases. He also used old, hardened brushes, sticks, and anything else he could find to paint with.
3. His style of art is often called Abstract Expressionsim. It was considered this, because he moved around a lot and used so much energy while he painted. However, he preferred to call his style, Action Painting.4. Although some have trouble understanding his paintings as art. He knew exactly what he was doing. As you look at his work, you can get a feeling of being surrounded by light and color, movement and energy, that is very exciting!!!

1st Grade: Nez Perce Woven Bags
We began discussing Native American Art and weaving. Students will learn about creating Art from natures and the weaving art form. We have been talking about weaving vocabulary including: warp, weft, and tabby! We will fininsh working on decorative patterns and Native American symbols. ALMOST DONE!!!

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the impressionist artist, Edgar Degas. We will begin sketching our legs too!

3rd Grade: Japanese Landscapes
We began learning about the Japanese culture and began prepping their paper for chalk and pastels! Next we will be exploring landscapes and Sumi-e Art. This activity will be followed up with Origami!!!

4th Grade: MC Escher Hands
We are studying the works of M.C. Escher and his plays with illusions in Art. Students will begin sketching their hands in action! Our next focus is Value!

5th Grade: 'Moves like Haring
'Students that have completed their parodies will begin learning how to draw the human form in movement while studying the artist Keith Haring. This will prepare students for a drawing and painting project based on Keith Harings works.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Monday, December 5-9, 2011

December 7- Art Adventures for 4th & 5th Grade

Mystery Artist for December:
1. He was born in Cody, Wyoming in 1912. He was the youngest of five brothers.
2. He is best known for the huge paintings he made by splattering, throwing, and dripping paint onto his canvases. He also used old, hardened brushes, sticks, and anything else he could find to paint with.
3. His style of art is often called Abstract Expressionsim. It was considered this, because he moved around a lot and used so much energy while he painted. However, he preferred to call his style, Action Painting.4. Although some have trouble understanding his paintings as art. He knew exactly what he was doing. As you look at his work, you can get a feeling of being surrounded by light and color, movement and energy, that is very exciting!!!

1st Grade: Nez Perce Woven Bags
We began discussing Native American Art and weaving. Students will learn about creating Art from natures and the weaving art form. We have been talking about weaving vocabulary including: warp, weft, and tabby! We will begin working on decorative patterns and Native American symbols.

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the impressionist artist, Edgar Degas. We will begin sketching our legs too!

3rd Grade: Japanese Landscapes
We began learning about the Japanese culture and began prepping their paper for chalk and pastels! Next we will be exploring landscapes and Sumi-e Art.

4th Grade: MC Escher Hands
We are studying the works of M.C. Escher and his plays with illusions in Art. Students will begin sketching their hands in action!

5th Grade: 'Moves like Haring'
Students that have completed their parodies will begin learning how to draw the human form in movement while studying the artist Keith Haring. This will prepare students for a drawing and painting project based on Keith Harings works.