Friday, January 28, 2011

January 30-February 4, 2011

January 28 Creative Youth Art Fair Drop Off 4:30-6:30

January 30 Creative Youth Art Fair, 4:30-6:30 @ Eisenhower Jr. High

Mystery Artist for January:

1. Born on December 12, 1863 this Norwegian artist faced many losses throughout his life including the deaths of his mother when he was 5, his closest sister when he was 14, his father when he was 26, and his younger brother when he was 32.

2. Using art to help him express his feelings, this Modern Expressionist used lines, colors, shapes and forms to show his innermost feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, and suffering. Rather than painting what he saw in the world he painted how the world made him feel.

3. On August 22, 2004, two of this artist's works were stolen from an art museum in Norway. One of the works was his most famous piece, The Scream.

1st Grade: Monet Bridges
First graders will begin learning about the artist, Claude Monet and his Impressionistic style. We will begin creating their own bridge paintings based on the popular Japanese footbridge Monet painted several times.

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the artist, Edgar Degas. Students will learn how his Impressionist style helped him create movement within his artwork. Student will be creating their own legs of movement.

3rd Grade: Frank Lloyd Wright Mansions
We will begin discussing the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and create our own dream mansions. Students will be discussing architecture, design, facades, landscapes, and more!

4th Grade: Aboriginal Art

We have begun discussing the artworks of the Aboriginal culture. Students will begin creating realistic or mystical creatures through the process of collage. Next week, they will be introduced to the dot and line painting patterns of the Aboriginal culture.

5th Grade: Fantasy Portraits

We will continue sketching our own self-portraits. Once we have completed the basics of our portraits we will begin discussing Surrealism and how to illustrate it on their own self-portraits.

Art Folder #10

Surrealism is a style of art in which dreams, fantasy, and the subconscious serve as inspiration for artists. Surrealists are a group of artists who explore the realm of dreams. The name comes from a word whose initial part sur means 'beyond' or 'above'. Surrealist artists include Marc Chagall, Joan Miro', Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Salvador Dali, and Rene' Magritte.

Directions: DRAW and COLOR a picture to answer the questions below. These questions will help you turn your self portrait we're working on in class into fantasy art.
1. What is your favorite Sport?
2. What is your favorite vegetable?
3. What is your favorite animal(s)?
4. If you could only take one OBJECT with you on a long trip, what would it be?
5. What is your favorite tool (pencil, pens, ruler, scissors, hammer, etc.) to work with?

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 24-January 28, 2011

January 26 Art Adventures 3rd Grade

January 28 Creative Youth Art Fair Drop Off 4:30-6:30

January 30 Creative Youth Art Fair, 4:30-6:30 @ Eisenhower Jr. High

Mystery Artist for January:

1. Born on December 12, 1863 this Norwegian artist faced many losses throughout his life including the deaths of his mother when he was 5, his closest sister when he was 14, his father when he was 26, and his younger brother when he was 32.

2. Using art to help him express his feelings, this Modern Expressionist used lines, colors, shapes and forms to show his innermost feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, and suffering. Rather than painting what he saw in the world he painted how the world made him feel.

3. On August 22, 2004, two of this artist's works were stolen from an art museum in Norway. One of the works was his most famous piece, The Scream.

1st Grade: Monet Bridges
First graders will begin learning about the artist, Claude Monet and his Impressionistic style. We will begin creating their own bridge paintings based on the popular Japanese footbridge Monet painted several times.

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the artist, Edgar Degas. Students will learn how his Impressionist style helped him create movement within his artwork. Student will be creating their own legs of movement.

3rd Grade: Frank Lloyd Wright Mansions
We will begin discussing the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and create our own dream mansions. Students will be discussing architecture, design, facades, landscapes, and more!

4th Grade: Aboriginal Art

We have begun discussing the artworks of the Aboriginal culture. Students will begin creating realistic or mystical creatures through the process of collage.

5th Grade: Fantasy Portraits

We will review Art Folder #9 and begin sketching our own self-portraits. Once we have completed the basics of our portraits we will begin discussing Surrealism and how to illustrate it on their own self-portraits.

Art Folder #10 To be announced.

Friday, January 14, 2011

January17-21, 2011

January 17 M.L. King Jr. Day- No School

January 19 Monday Schedule- No Art Adventures

January 20 Creative Youth Art Fair Registration Due (Indian

Pairie Library drop-off box--see Miss S. for an entry form)

January 26 Art Adventures 3rd Grade

January 28 Creative Youth Art Fair Drop Off 4:30-6:30

January 30 Creative Youth Art Fair, 4:30-6:30 @ Eisenhower Jr. High

Mystery Artist for January:

1. Born on December 12, 1863 this Norwegian artist faced many losses throughout his life including the deaths of his mother when he was 5, his closest sister when he was 14, his father when he was 26, and his younger brother when he was 32.

2. Using art to help him express his feelings, this Modern Expressionist used lines, colors, shapes and forms to show his innermost feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, and suffering. Rather than painting what he saw in the world he painted how the world made him feel.

3. On August 22, 2004, two of this artist's works were stolen from an art museum in Norway. One of the works was his most famous piece, The Scream.

1st Grade: Monet Bridges
First graders will begin learning about the artist, Claude Monet and his Impressionistic style. We will begin creating their own bridge paintings based on the popular Japanese footbridge Monet painted several times.

2nd Grade: Legs of Degas
Students will be learning about the artist, Edgar Degas. Students will learn how his Impressionist style helped him create movement within his artwork. Student will be creating their own legs of movement.

3rd Grade: Frank Lloyd Wright Mansions
We will begin discussing the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and create our own dream mansions. Students will be discussing architecture, design, facades, landscapes, and more!

4th Grade: Aboriginal Art

We have begun discussing the artworks of the Aboriginal culture. Students will begin creating realistic or mystical creatures through the process of collage.

5th Grade: Fantasy Portraits

We will review Art Folder #9 and begin sketching our own self-portraits. Once we have completed the basics of our portraits we will begin discussing Surrealism and how to illustrate it on their own self-portraits.

Art Folder #10 To be announced.

The Darien Woman’s Club Charity Fund, Inc.
Presents the Creative Youth Art Fair of 2011
(Please see Miss Smeltzer for an Entry Form)

The Creative Youth Art Fair is an exhibition of paintings, drawings, and sculptures created by the youth of the Darien area that is sponsored by the Darien Woman’s Club Charity Fund, Inc. The exhibition will be held at Eisenhower Junior High School, 1410 75th Street, Darien, IL, on Sunday, January 30, 2011 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Prizes and awards will be presented at 3:15p.m. To enter the Art Fair: 1) Complete the Registration Form below and return as instructed below by January 20th and 2) Read all of the Rules and Regulations below before completing the Registration Form. Additional forms are available at the Indian Prairie Library lobby information display and on the DWC web page at
Rules and Regulations
Darien area youth age 4 years old through twelfth grade are eligible to enter by filling out a Registration Form and returning it to Annette Szkodzinski 1902 Holly Ave Darien, IL 60561 630-964-6678 postmarked by January 13th, or by dropping it off at the Indian Prairie Library in the drop box located in the lobby by January 20th before closing. EACH PIECE OF ARTWORK MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED, NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. While every care is taken with the artwork submitted for display, DWC takes no responsibility for lost or damaged artwork. Total number of entries will be limited to 650 on a first-come-first-served basis.
Poetry will be added this year as a media choice for Grades 3-5, ONLY. All other media choices are open to all divisions.
Pre-registered artwork/poetry will be accepted only on Friday January 28th between 4:30 and 6:30p.m. Artwork should be brought to the Eisenhower Junior High School Commons Room. Absolutely no exhibits may be removed before the end of the show. All exhibits must be claimed on Sunday, January 30th at 3:30 PM.
Each individual may enter no more than two pieces of artwork/poetry in the show. You may not enter 2 pieces of artwork and 2 pieces of poetry, just 2 pieces total. Exhibitors may enter in the media(s) of their choice.
All artwork/poetry must be the original work of the artist. No tracing, paint by numbers, or kits of any kind will be accepted.
Paintings and drawings must be no larger than 24" by 36" including mount, matte or frame without glass. Art/Poetry entries MUST be mounted on construction paper, matted or framed (without glass). Artwork in frames with glass will NOT be accepted. Sculptures must be no larger than 18"x18"x20". No mobiles will be accepted.
Each piece of artwork/poetry must have the entry label affixed to the front (see entry label below). The back of the artwork/poetry must also be labeled with the exhibitor’s name and telephone number.
An independent panel of judges will evaluate each piece of artwork/poetry. A point system will be used to evaluate originality, design, use of color and shading, line and texture, and workmanship of the artwork. A point system will be used to evaluate the poetry’s creativity, ability to captivate the reader, word usage, language conventions, form and flow. A special award will be presented to the overall winner in each division as well as in the Photography/Computer Generated media and Poetry categories. Division winners will be informed on Saturday, January 29th. Artwork/Poetry Division winners and selected entrants will be displayed at the Indian Prairie Library during the months of February and March.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 10-14, 2011

January 11 Art Adventure permission slips due (see below)

January 12 Art Adventures 3rd Grade

January 17 M.L. King Jr. Day- No School

January 20 Creative Youth Art Fair Registration Due (Indian

Pairie Library drop-off box--see Miss S. for an entry form)

January 26 Art Adventures 3rd Grade

January 28 Creative Youth Art Fair Drop Off 4:30-6:30

January 30 Creative Youth Art Fair, 4:30-6:30 @ Eisenhower Jr. High

Mystery Artist for January:

1. Born on December 12, 1863 this Norwegian artist faced many losses throughout his life including the deaths of his mother when he was 5, his closest sister when he was 14, his father when he was 26, and his younger brother when he was 32.

2. Using art to help him express his feelings, this Modern Expressionist used lines, colors, shapes and forms to show his innermost feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, and suffering. Rather than painting what he saw in the world he painted how the world made him feel.

3. On August 22, 2004, two of this artist's works were stolen from an art museum in Norway. One of the works was his most famous piece, The Scream.

1st Grade: Monet Bridges
First graders will begin learning about the artist, Claude Monet and his Impressionistic style. We will begin creating their own bridge paintings based on the popular Japanese footbridge Monet painted several times.

2nd Grade: Prehistoric Rock Art
Students will be learning about the earliest days of Art. Students will have the opportunity to understand the environmental challenges of working with low light sources, handmade art tools from nature, and the use of symbols to create.

3rd Grade: Frank Lloyd Wright Mansions
We will begin discussing the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and create our own dream mansions. Students will be discussing architecture, design, facades, landscapes, and more!

4th Grade: M.C. Escher Hands and Aboriginal Art

We will continue discussing the artist M. C. Escher artworks and complete the art principle of value. Students will complete shading their hands. Classes finished with their valued hands will begin learning about the Aboriginal culture and art.

5th Grade: Keith Haring Paintings and Fantasy Portraits

We will finish studying how to use symbols to communicate through Art. We will complete painting too! Finished classes will begin working on their own self-portraits.

Art Folder #9

Directions: Using the information below, sketch a portrait. Please include value using light and dark tones or color.

Forensic Art is any kind of art used in law enforcement and court proceedings. A forensic artist interviews victims of crime, gathering information about the appearance of a suspect and drawing a sketch to match their description.

Description: a woman between 25 and 35, she had dark hair, but not black, her hair was around shoulder length-maybe a bit longer, her face was round or oval, her eyes are light-but I couldn't tell since she was wearing glasses, her glases were dark-maybe brown and rectangular in shape. Her eyebrows were brown over her glasses, but not very long or big. Her nose wasn't too large, but it was kinda pointy. Her lips were pink and her bottom lip was bigger than her upper lip.

Art Adventures Permission slip
Dear Parents and 3rd Grade Students,

Art Adventure activity for the month of January, will be available for 3rd grade students. The art activity and meeting times will be on Wednesday, January 12th and Wednesday, January 26th. Please note that maximum of 26 students will be permitted to participate in this activity. If the activity becomes full, your envelope will be returned.
The 3rd grade activity will be Mixed Media Winter Collages. Students will have the opportunity to work with various papers, oil pastels, markers, and paste. Students who would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials students will be using during the Art Adventure Activity.
All Art Adventure activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30 p.m. and will end at 3:45p.m. If you are interested in participating in this after-school activity, please fill out the permission slip below, enclose the $5.00 lab fee, and return it to Miss Smeltzer by Tuesday, January 11th .
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). Please note that Art Adventures is an after-school activity, therefore, buses will not be available.
Miss Smeltzer, Art Teacher
My son/daughter_____________ , has my permission to participate in the Art Adventure
activity for January 2011.
My son/daughter’s classroom teacher is _________________
Please check one:
________I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.
________My child will go to BACC after Art Club
____________is the phone number I can be reached at while my child is at Art Adventures.
______________________Parent/Guardian Signature
****Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee with this permission slip. Checks should be made out to Center Cass School District.

The Darien Woman’s Club Charity Fund, Inc.
Presents the Creative Youth Art Fair of 2011
(Please see Miss Smeltzer for an Entry Form)

The Creative Youth Art Fair is an exhibition of paintings, drawings, and sculptures created by the youth of the Darien area that is sponsored by the Darien Woman’s Club Charity Fund, Inc. The exhibition will be held at Eisenhower Junior High School, 1410 75th Street, Darien, IL, on Sunday, January 30, 2011 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Prizes and awards will be presented at 3:15p.m. To enter the Art Fair: 1) Complete the Registration Form below and return as instructed below by January 20th and 2) Read all of the Rules and Regulations below before completing the Registration Form. Additional forms are available at the Indian Prairie Library lobby information display and on the DWC web page at
Rules and Regulations
Darien area youth age 4 years old through twelfth grade are eligible to enter by filling out a Registration Form and returning it to Annette Szkodzinski 1902 Holly Ave Darien, IL 60561 630-964-6678 postmarked by January 13th, or by dropping it off at the Indian Prairie Library in the drop box located in the lobby by January 20th before closing. EACH PIECE OF ARTWORK MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED, NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. While every care is taken with the artwork submitted for display, DWC takes no responsibility for lost or damaged artwork. Total number of entries will be limited to 650 on a first-come-first-served basis.
Poetry will be added this year as a media choice for Grades 3-5, ONLY. All other media choices are open to all divisions.
Pre-registered artwork/poetry will be accepted only on Friday January 28th between 4:30 and 6:30p.m. Artwork should be brought to the Eisenhower Junior High School Commons Room. Absolutely no exhibits may be removed before the end of the show. All exhibits must be claimed on Sunday, January 30th at 3:30 PM.
Each individual may enter no more than two pieces of artwork/poetry in the show. You may not enter 2 pieces of artwork and 2 pieces of poetry, just 2 pieces total. Exhibitors may enter in the media(s) of their choice.
All artwork/poetry must be the original work of the artist. No tracing, paint by numbers, or kits of any kind will be accepted.
Paintings and drawings must be no larger than 24" by 36" including mount, matte or frame without glass. Art/Poetry entries MUST be mounted on construction paper, matted or framed (without glass). Artwork in frames with glass will NOT be accepted. Sculptures must be no larger than 18"x18"x20". No mobiles will be accepted.
Each piece of artwork/poetry must have the entry label affixed to the front (see entry label below). The back of the artwork/poetry must also be labeled with the exhibitor’s name and telephone number.
An independent panel of judges will evaluate each piece of artwork/poetry. A point system will be used to evaluate originality, design, use of color and shading, line and texture, and workmanship of the artwork. A point system will be used to evaluate the poetry’s creativity, ability to captivate the reader, word usage, language conventions, form and flow. A special award will be presented to the overall winner in each division as well as in the Photography/Computer Generated media and Poetry categories. Division winners will be informed on Saturday, January 29th. Artwork/Poetry Division winners and selected entrants will be displayed at the Indian Prairie Library during the months of February and March.