Monday, October 22, 2007

*****Date Changes****

My apologies for the error!

Friday, October 19, 2007

November Art Club for 4th Grade!

Dear Parents and 4th Grade students,
This year I am pleased to announce that Prairieview Elementary School will have an Art Club. November’s activities will be available to 4th grade students only. Our meeting times this month will be Wednesday November 7th, Tuesday November 13th, and Wednesday November 14th. However, based on the number of participants, additional days may be added.
The 4th grade activity will be Self Portrait Collages. Students will have the opportunity to work with paints, glue, photographs, paste, recyclable materials, and various art tools. Students that would like to participate will need to pay a $5.00 lab fee and bring in a photograph of him/her. The lab fee will cover the costs of materials students will be using during the Art Club activity. The photograph will be photocopied for their project and returned. The photograph can be any photo of your choosing: recent or past, school or family, etc.
All Art Club activities will be at Prairieview School starting at 2:30p.m. and will end at 3:45p.m. STUDENTS ARE TO BE PICKED UP PROMPTLY AT 3:45p.m. If you are interested in participating in this after school activity, you will need to fill out the bottom of this form, enclose a photograph, and return it to Miss Smeltzer by 11/02/2007. After all the permission slips have been received, a schedule will be created and delivered to remind students of our meeting times.
If you need to car pool with someone, please have your parent name the person(s) at the bottom of the permission slip (please no more than 2 others). I look forward to having a lot of fun with you this year.
Miss Smeltzer
Art Teacher, (
My son/daughter, _____________________________________, has my
permission to participate in the Art Club activities for November 2006.

My son/daughter's Classroom Teacher is: Miss Cerney (please circle one)
Mrs. Cushing
Mrs. Cavoto
Mrs. Cirjakovic
Mrs. Strong
Mrs. Sulima

Please check one:

_______ I will arrange to have a ride home for my child.

_______ My child will go to BACC after Art Club.

Parent/Guardian Signature
****Please enclose your child’s $5.00 lab fee and photograph with this permission slip. Checks can be made out to Center Cass School District.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bonus Mystery Artist Clue!

The tallest building our Mystery Artist ever constructed was H.C Price Tower in Bartlesville Oklahoma (1952-1956).
H.C. Price Tower is a 19-story building which now houses a museum and a
hotel. Standing out like a tall tree in eastern Oklahoma's rolling hills, the
building could also be described as treelike in design, with a "taproot"
supporting a central "trunk" and the floors extending outward like branches.

-The F.L.W Foundation, Taliein West, Scottsdale,Az.

Monday, October 1, 2007

October's Mystery Artist Clues

Mystery Artist Clues

1. Born 1867 in Richland, Wisconsin, this artist was considered on of America's most famous architects.
2. His mother, a school teacher, surrounded his crib with drawings of cathedrals and gave him a set of wooden building blocks
in hopes he would become a great architect.
3. His employer (boss) and friend, Louis Sullivan, loaned this architect the money to build his first house in Oak Park, IL. at the
age of 22.
4. His style of architecture became known as the Prairie style. Prairie style architecture reflected the color, land, and nature of
the Midwest.